Today is day 0 of Microsoft Ignite. For me, it started yesterday already with the MCT day yesterday, practically on day -1. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you much about the MCT day, the interesting things are still until the official announcement under NDA.
I can tell you a few things. The subject of learning is especially important this year. Last year the role-based certification model was presented. This will be extended with new courses this year. More in the next days.
From the point of view of a Microsoft trainer
The good thing for us Microsoft trainers is, apparently Microsoft has understood that it doesn’t work without the trainers. That means, even for those who can’t learn so well with videos, there will still be courses in classrooms.
The fact that Microsoft appreciates the MCT’s now also, one notices in the fact that we get special access to the Keynote. So we don’t need to queue at 7 a.m. for a place on the keynote that starts at 9 a.m. I was a bit annoyed about that last year. However, we have not yet reserved seats like the MVPs. Maybe that will come. Or I will MVP before… it would be pleased. Even if I think that the suggestion of Hilton is not enough 😉
There will also be changed in the future in the kind and didactic models of how some courses are structured. Here I also see a lot of potentials for us trainers to work with newer and better methodologies. Even if this will be rather difficult for some trainers. But I see a certain potential and notice that I was already on a good way with some methods in my courses. If you are a trainer and are looking for some tips, I recommend you take a look at the slides of my presentation at the MCT Global Summit 2018: “Value-added Trainer – The Hybrid between Trainer and Consultant“
The Swags
The Swags are also interesting for many. The Ignite Swags are this year:
- A backpack, although I personally find the one from last year handier. Even if it is slowly beginning to show signs of disintegration.
- The Ignite T-Shirt with the motto “Learning-Mix Vol. 1”.
- A drinking bottle that can also be used to take part in a “Fill it Forward” campaign. The aim is to avoid plastic waste for bottles.
The next update for the Ignite will come for sure. Something more current is it on my Twitter channel.