What is the German IT baseline protection (IT-Grundschutz)?

IT Security, Cyber Security, image on the topic of IT security that features a lock at the center of the image as a central symbol for protection and security. Surround the lock with circuitry and electronic components in the background to establish a connection to the digital world and technology.

The German IT-Grundschutz forms the basis for IT security in Germany and is internationally recognised. This is a collection of recommendations that help IT systems to be protected against security threats. In this blog article, I would like to take a closer look at the origin, international acceptance and structure of the German IT-Grundschutz.

German Federal Office for Information Security (German BSI) security recommendations for Windows 10

20210511 Screenshot BSI German Federal Office for Information Security (German BSI) security recommendations for Windows 10 2

The German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) has published new documents on Microsoft Windows 10 and how to secure it. I looked at the BSI security recommendations for Windows 10 before I wanted to report on them. The background to this is that in the past, publications in this direction were sometimes more than outdated when they were published or they were very superficial.

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