Microsoft Azure AD – what do you need it for?

Was ist Azure AD - Teil eins der Reihe - Artkelbild

I am often asked, what actually is this Azure-AD? I thought I could dedicate a blog series to this question, after all it is becoming more and more important. In this series, I will also write about authentication methods, types of identities and objects, licenses and compatible services. In short, everything about Azure Active Directory.

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The Microsoft Cloud and Data Protection

051219 0959 DieMicrosof2 The Microsoft Cloud and Data Protection 2

Since the GDPR / DSVGO introduction, the topic of data protection, privacy and compliance is still a topic with which many lawyers still earn money. The problem, in my opinion, the technical reality distance with that the whole was designed. Not to be kept silent of the fact that the exceptions to the law were not delivered equally. But all this does not help us, we have to follow it. But I would not like to hold up you too much with my personal opinion to the GDPR. We look at ourselves what Microsoft offers us at tools.

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