Implement Microsoft Connected Cache with SCCM

Computergenerierter Alternativtext: M;cvosoff Del S evvice cDv u pdafe aunurg•

At Ignite 2019, Microsoft announced the Connected Cache (previously known as Delivery Optimization In-Network Cache (DOINC)). I’ll take a closer look at it now. But what do you really need it for?

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Changes in the LifeCycle of Microsoft products due to Corona

LifeCycle Diagram als PDF 04/2020

Changes in the life cycle of Microsoft products due to Corona / COVID-19.

Microsoft is extending the current lifecycle for some products to relieve the burden on IT departments. I took this opportunity to update the LifeCycle Diagrams from the articles “Microsoft Lifecycle Diagrams” and “Other Lifecycle Diagrams” from last year.
This time I translated them directly into English.

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End of the Windows 7 Life-Cycle – Migration approaches from the field

A close up of text on a white background

Soon it is time, for Windows 7 the extended support ends on 14.01.2020. As with every end of operating system support the end comes “completely surprising”, okay, not really. At the beginning everything looks so far in the future, it is still x years time. But in the end, the problems appear.

I already saw this at the “surprising” end of XP. But there are also cases where migration is not so easy. Special problem areas can be interfaces to special Hardware. For instance, measuring workstations or production control systems. If a measuring instrument with current Windows 10 support directly costs a few tens of thousands of Euros, then you consider the investment.

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The possibilities of computer installations for businesses

Verschiedene Installationsmedien für Windows

This article discusses the different methods of computer installations for businesses. In technical terminology also called rollouts or deployments. Typically, such a concept is created when a large number of computer installations are required. Here are a few examples where it can be useful to rethink the previous way of working:

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Which Office version works with Windows 10?

A close up of a logo

Often the question arises during a rollout: Is our Microsoft Office version still supported with Microsoft Windows 10? The first glance should always be at the current lifecycle of Microsoft Office. You can also find a nice overview in my article “Product Lifecycles – The Forgotten Being“. Depending on the remaining time of the life cycle of the Office program, a migration with Windows 10 can also be useful.

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Windows 10 and the Microsoft Store

A screenshot of a video game

Many companies would like to turn off the Microsoft Store so that not everyone installs “Netflix” or “Ages of Empires” on their corporate device. There are many ways, but which one is the right one, that depends. The risk exists that if the store is deactivated incorrectly, the integrated apps (for example the calculator or the photo app) will not receive any updates. However, there are a few basics that need to be clarified before you can get started.

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End User Computing MeetUp – Bonn / Koblenz Area (Germany)

End User Computing End User Computing MeetUp - Bonn / Koblenz Area (Germany) 8

For a long time, I have been planning a MeetUp on the topic of End User Computing, which I am starting to organize and regularly offering now. Many can’t imagine much about End-User Computing (EuC), in general, it’s about working on the end device, i.e. the computer, tablet, mobile phone and Co.

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New for Autopilot with Windows 10 1903 (Updated)

A screenshot of a computer

With every new release of Windows 10, there are also new features in the area of Microsoft Autopilot. If you don’t know what Autopilot is, I recommend the article “What is Microsoft Autopilot“. Today we’re talking about new features that are possible with Windows 10 1903. As always with autopilot, this also requires an up-to-date Intune instance.

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Ignite day 2 – Modern Management recap

Computergenerierter Alternativtext: Microsoft Intune Configuration Manager Other Endpoint Management Tools Integrated solution for IT admins to understand and take action across all endpoints in their estate Microsoft Endpoint Manager Status and alerts

Today was day 2 of the Microsoft Ignite in Orlando. Today I was in the focus in sessions about modern management on the move. That means, for example, Microsoft Intune, but especially the newly announced function of the “Microsoft Endpoint Manager”.

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