Windows WinRM over HTTPs

A screenshot of a cell phone

Windows Remote Management is no longer a way to think in today’s world. But why do we do it unencrypted? Normally the authentication is done by Kerberos. That’s secure enough for most people. However, Kerberos also has limitations, for example when using local accounts.

In the standard system, communication is via HTTP via TCP port 5985. Why not HTTPS? This is possible, the port TCP 5986 is intended for this. Unfortunately, this is not only missing in the firewall rule templates but also has a few barriers still in the way. We take care of these barriers today.

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Administrative templates in Intune – incl. list

Intune ADM Template

In January 2019 I reported about the preview of the administrative templates in Intune. Now it’s time to see what happened. Meanwhile, the function is no longer in the preview phase and it has grown too.

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Using and Auditing PowerShell Scripts with Microsoft Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS)

A screenshot of a social media post

This article was first published in German on June 04, 2019, on The translation of this article was published on the 25th July 2019 at LinkedIn. Please read the article on LinkedIn.