With Microsoft 365, there are various plans, and you don’t always find the one you are looking for. Here is an overview of various Microsoft 365 plans, some with the order links behind them. These links are affiliate links, which means we get a commission without changing the costs. This helps us to run this blog and create content.
Azure Active Directory
Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AAD) is a cloud-based Active Directory variant. It can be synchronized with a local AD. Azure-AD is the authentication service for all Azure-based services such as Office365, Intune or Microsoft365.
Speaking at the Global Azure Bootcamp 2020 Virtual – Cologne
II am pleased to be speaking at the Global Azure Bootcamp 2020 Virtual – Cologne. Actually it was planned as a normal event, but due to COVID-19 it has now become an online event.
Setting up Office 365 – Part 2
This article is part of my migration from my old Office 365 to my new Microsoft 365 Tenant. It is also about setting up Office 365, the other Microsoft 365 topics will follow later. I also have written this article intentionally so that it can also be used for setup outside of a migration scenario. Part 1 was about choosing the right edition, setting up the account and configuring the domains and DNS.
Setting up Office 365 Part 1
This article is part of my migration from my old Office 365 to my new Microsoft 365 Tenant. It is also about setting up Office 365, the other Microsoft 365 topics will follow later. I also have written this article intentionally so that it can also be used for setup outside of a migration scenario.
Migration from an Office 365 to a new Microsoft 365 Tenant – The approaches to migration
As MCT, I have a developer tenant for Office 365, and this year we are finally getting access to the Microsoft 365 function, i.e. Enterprise Mobility and Security. The disadvantage is that a new tenant is required and so a migration is pending. But at the same time, a lot of things have to be set up from scratch. I take the opportunity to write a series of blog posts directly from this.
Microsoft Azure AD – licensing
This is part 3 of the Azure AD series. This time it’s about licensing Azure AD. I have described the different license types in the second part of the series. Today it’s about buying the licenses.
Microsoft Azure AD – what do you need it for?
I am often asked, what actually is this Azure-AD? I thought I could dedicate a blog series to this question, after all it is becoming more and more important. In this series, I will also write about authentication methods, types of identities and objects, licenses and compatible services. In short, everything about Azure Active Directory.
Microsoft Azure AD – the license types and functions
Welcome to part 2 of the Azure-AD series. This part covers license types and features. We will also deal with the topic of license procurement and licensing possibilities. Due to the scope of functions, I cannot describe all functions contained in the individual licenses in this article. But I try to cover as much as possible and to provide links to further information.
News about Edge Chromium
This article was first published in German on July 23, 2019, on Infrastrukturhelden.de. The translation of this article was published on the 29th July 2019 at LinkedIn. Please read the article on LinkedIn.