This article is part of my migration from my old Office 365 to my new Microsoft 365 Tenant. It is also about setting up Office 365, the other Microsoft 365 topics will follow later. I also have written this article intentionally so that it can also be used for setup outside of a migration scenario. Part 1 was about choosing the right edition, setting up the account and configuring the domains and DNS.
Migration 2020
In January 2020 I migrated from an Office365 subscription to a new Microsoft365 subscription. This is my test and play environment that I use at home. Since the on-premise domain has remained the same, there are some pitfalls along the way. Officially there is no solution for this. Also, I have to say that since this is the testing environment, I have not used any third party solutions for which a fee is charged, as would be recommended for such a real world situation.
Why do I document this anyway? If someone wants to move on this rough path, he knows what to expect. There are also similarities to other migrations, so this series can also serve as an inspiration for normal migrations.
Setting up Office 365 Part 1
This article is part of my migration from my old Office 365 to my new Microsoft 365 Tenant. It is also about setting up Office 365, the other Microsoft 365 topics will follow later. I also have written this article intentionally so that it can also be used for setup outside of a migration scenario.
Preparing the mail flow for the Office 365 migration
This article is part of my migration journey from my old Office 365 to my new Microsoft 365 Tenant. This article is about mail traffic during the migration and how to avoid data loss.
In May 2015 I have already written the article “Migration from one Office365 Tenant to another Office365 Tenant“. I will adopt and adapt the relevant parts from the old article here.
Migration from an Office 365 to a new Microsoft 365 Tenant – The approaches to migration
As MCT, I have a developer tenant for Office 365, and this year we are finally getting access to the Microsoft 365 function, i.e. Enterprise Mobility and Security. The disadvantage is that a new tenant is required and so a migration is pending. But at the same time, a lot of things have to be set up from scratch. I take the opportunity to write a series of blog posts directly from this.